Parangtritis Beach

 Enjoy Beautifull Parangtrtis Sunset                                             in Jogjakarta, Javanese, Indonesia
One of the attractive beaches near Yogyakarta is Parangtritis. It is located about 27 km. from Yogyakarta, Parangtritis may be reached in two ways, through Kretek Village or the longer but better - established way through Imogiri and Siluk Village. Parangtritis Beach is a beautiful beach with many impressed phenomena, natural and supernatural. Regularly bringing new waves of wood and bamboo, washing ashore from another nearby beach probably. Some of the wood was taken and carried away by the locals to be used to their own homes. Parangtritis is an enchanting sloping beach combined with rocky hills, dunes and white sandy beaches. As well as a place of recreation. Parangtritis is also a sacred place. Many people come to the beach to do meditation. Until now, this area remains functioned as a place to perform a traditional ceremony called the harbor. Many hotels and restaurants are available for sun lovers. 

It is said that the name Parangtritis is expresses a natural phenomenon. From one wall of the hill drops off water containing calcium continuously dripped down and finally formed a pool with very clear water in it. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VII found and took care of it. The pool is now used as a bathing pool of Parangtritis swimming pool. Meanwhile, the sun sets at every touch point Parangtritis bring beautiful and amazing too. Magical atmosphere rough waves seems like all the hearts in the removing all bustles and lead to deep reflection.

Mendut Temple

Mendut history. Mendut temple located in the area. Candi Mendut aalah
Mendut is a temple located east of the straight line triad temples (Borobudur, Pawon, Mendut). This temple was founded by the Sailendra dynasty and Buddhism in which it is set, in which it is indicated by the shape of the stupa as many as 48 pieces at the atasnya.Tidak known exactly when this temple was founded. But a Dutch archeology mention that in the inscriptions found in villages Karangtengah bertarikh 824M argued that the king Indra has built a shrine called venunavayang means bamboo forests. If this is true then surely Mendut founded in the 8th century AD.
temple Mendut

On the inside of the temple there is a room containing the altar where the three statues of Buddha stands. All three statues are starting from the far left is Vajravani Bodhisattvas, Sakyamuni Buddha and Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. These three Buddha statues are still in good condition, some flowers and incense visible lying underneath. An iron fence was built at the front of the statue to avoid excessive visitor interaction / no interest on this third Buddha statue.


Ramayana ballet is an art performance that is so beautiful, admiring and it is difficult to compare. This performance is able to unite various Javanese arts such as dance, drama and music on one stage and one momentum to present the Ramayana story, a legendary epos written by Walmiki in Sanskrit language.
Ramayana story presented in this performance is similar to that engraved on Prambanan temple. As people tell, Ramayana story that is engraved on the most beautiful Hindu temple is similar to the story in oral tradition in India. The long and straining story is summarized in four scenes, namely the kidnapping of Shinta, Anoman's mission to Alengka, the death of Kumbakarna or Rahwana, and the meeting of Rama-Shinta.
The entire story is presented in a series of dance movements done by beautiful dancers accompanied by gamelan music. You are invited to really plunge into the story and observe each movement of the dancers to know the coarse of the story. There is no dialog among the dancers. The only storyteller is the sinden or the female singer who describes the coarse of the story through Javanes songs with her typical voice.
The story begins when Prabu Janaka held a contest to determine the would-be husband for Shinta, his daughter that finally was won by Rama Wijaya. The scene is continued with the adventure of Rama, Shinta and Rama's younger brother named Laksamana in Dandaka forest. There, they met Rawana that was eager to posses Shinta since she was considered the reincarnation of goddess Widowati, a woman that he had been seeking for long.
In order to attract Shinta's attention, Rahwana changed one of his followers named Marica into a deer. The effort was successful when Shinta was attracted and asked Rama to chase the deer. When Rama did not show up after a while, Laksmana went to find Rama and left Shinta herself by protecting her with a magic circle around her in order that nobody would be able to kidnap her, including Rahwana. The protection failed to keep Shinta in the place since Rahwana succeeded in kidnapping her by changing himself into Durna character.
At the end of the story, Hanoman, the white, powerful monkey succeeded in taking Shinta from Rahwana. When she returned, however, Rama did not trust her anymore. He considered Shinta disgraced. In order to prove her virginity and holiness, Shinta was asked to burn herself. Shinta proved her holiness when she was not burned at all even she became more beautiful. Finally, Rama accepted her as his wife.
You will not be disappointed to see this excellent performance. They do not only prepare the dance and music, but also the lighting that is set in such a way to be able to describe certain events in that story. The make up of the dancers does not only make them beautiful but it is capable of describing the characters they perform so that spectators easily know the characters even though there is no dialog.
You will see not only the dance but also interesting acts such as fireball game and acrobat. The fireball game is presented when Hanoman that initially would be fired alive turned to be successful in burning Alengkadiraja Kingdom owned by Rahwana. The acrobat is seen when Hanoman fights against Rahwana's followers. The fireball when Shinta would be burned is also interesting to see.
There are two places in Yogyarta where Ramayana ballet is performed. First, in Purawisata Yogyarta that is located on Jalan Brigjen Katamso, to the east of Yogyakarta Kingdom. In the place that was recorded in Indonesian Record Museum in 2002 for performing Ramayana ballet for 25 years. The other place to see the ballet is the open stage and Trimurti closed-stage in the complex of Prambanan temple.

Sri Gethuk Water Fall

The exoticism of the Grand Canyon in the northern Arizona, the United States becomes something undeniable. It is a naturally formed cliff and steeply sloping mountainside which looks more amazing because of the Colorado river flow. The name of Grand Canyon is adapted for a natural tourism object in West Java, Green Canyon, to refer to a river flowing between valley. Assumed as a dry and barren region, Gunungkidul turns out having an almost similar natural object as the Grand Canyon. A never stop water fall flowing throughout the year gushes between gorge, and it is called Sri Gethuk.

Located in a village called Bleberan, this water fall becomes a very worth visit spot. To get to this place, you need to ride your vehicle along the woods owned by the government. You have to be careful since the road condition is not always good in some parts. Entering Menggoran village, we will see different vegetation of wood, and it's a quite dense woods. After getting to a fishing area which is also functioned as a parking lot, there will be two choices to reach the falls. The first track is going to a path with green rice fields and coconut trees as the view, and the second one is crossing the stream of Oya river using a very simple raft made of drum and wooden board. Certainly, at that time we chose the second choice.
The trip to Sri Gethuk water fall began before noon when Oya river looked still and green and it looked so harmony with the karst valley on both sides of the river. The sound of our raft bending the stream broke the silence of the morning time. While riding the raft, a guide told a story about the history of the falls. Based on the legend, the falls was used to keep kethuk (one of music instrument of gamelan, a Javanese music instrument) belonged to Anggo Meduro, who was a kind of genie. Sometimes, the people living near the falls still could hear the sound of the instrument and that was why it was later called Sri Gethuk.
After riding the raft for some times, we could hear the thundering sound of the falls. Sri Gethuk water fall was in front of us and we could see beautiful stones below the falls forming terrace at the edge of a luxurious pool that invited everyone to swim. We got off from the raft and passed the stones to get to the falls. It felt like in an unknown world where water was everywhere. One of us suddenly shouted "Look! There's rainbow" and when we saw it, an awesome colorful curve was above us and at that time it made us felt like being fairies.

Cycling Tour Package

Cycling or Cycling is one of the fun sports activities. Besides aiming to maintain a healthy body, cycling can also improve our interactions with the surrounding environment. In JOGJA this activity has been used as one of the adventure tours are nicely packaged into an exciting optional activities. Supported with complete equipment and tools, with a high security level as well as services of experienced cycling guides, cycling activities / cycling can be one alternative tourism options to fill in JOGJA holiday event.

Cycling Tour Package Bantul Yogyakarta. 

A. The village area of plants, Ngoto, luwak cofe and Kotagedhe

    Price: Rp 200.000, - per pax maximum 5hours 

B. Regional Kasongan village, Selarong Goa.

    Price: Rp 200.000, - per pax maximum 5hours

C. TAMANAN region, ngoto, kerajianan skin, fish cultivation, AU Museum.

    Price: Rp 150,000, - per pax maximum 4 hours 

D. The area of plants and Imogiri (tombs of the kings)

    Price: Rp 250.000, - per pax maximum of 6 hours 

Cycling Package Tour Jogjakarta Region 

A. Tugu Jogja, Kraton, batik prosecing.

    Price: Rp 200.000, - per pax maximum of 6 hours 

B. Kraton, Taman Sari area, surrounding the palace Beteng.

    Price: Rp 200.000, - per pax maximum of 6 hours 

C. Tugu Yogyakarta, Malioboro and venderbrug fort.

    Price: Rp 200.000, - per pax maximum of 6 hours


Kawah Ijen - East Java Indonesia
The Ijen volcano complex is a group of stratovolcanoes, in East Java, Indonesia. It is inside a larger caldera Ijen, which is about 20 kilometers wide. The Gunung Merapi stratovolcano is the highest point of that complex. The name of this volcano resembles that of a different volcano, Mount Merapi in central Java, also known as Gunung Merapi; there is also a third volcano named Marapi in Sumatra. The name "Merapi" means "fire" in the Indonesian language.

West of Gunung Merapi is the Ijen volcano, which has a one-kilometer-wide turquoise-colored acid crater lake. The lake is the site of a labor-intensive sulfur mining operation, in which sulfur-laden baskets are carried by hand from the crater floor. The work is low-paid and very onerous. Workers earn around $5.50-$8.30 (Rp 50,000 - Rp 75,000) per day and once out of the crater, still need to carry their loads of sulfur chunks about three kilometers to the nearby Pultuding valley to get paid.

Many other post-caldera cones and craters are located within the caldera or along its rim. The largest concentration of post-caldera cones forms an east/west-trending zone across the southern side of the caldera. The active crater at Kawah Ijen has an equivalent radius of 361 metres (1,184 ft), a surface of 0.41 square kilometres (0.16 sq mi). It is 200 metres (660 ft) deep and has a volume of 36 cubic hectometres (29,000 acre·ft).

In 2008, explorer George Kourounis took a small rubber boat out onto the acid lake to measure its acidity. The pH of the water in the crater was measured to be 0.5 due to sulfuric acid.


Mount Bromo
Mount Bromo (from Sanskrit: Brahma, one of the main Hindu Gods), is a volcano is still active and most famous as a tourist attraction in East Java. As a tourist attraction, Mount Bromo become attractive because of its status as the volcano is still active.

Bromo has a height of 2392 meters above sea level is located in four regions, namely Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang, and Malang Regency. Mount Bromo mesh body shape between valleys and canyons with a caldera or a sea of ​​sand covering approximately 10 square kilometers.

Mount Bromo has a crater with a diameter of ± 800 meters (north-south) and ± 600 meters (east-west). While the danger area of a circle with a radius of 4 km from the central crater of Bromo.